That's how I feel at the moment, like I am just floating around in an airless vacuum that restricts my movement.
Before I go any further I must pay thanks to Ilco (who you can find at stock.xchng ) for the starry image. For while it may be a little dark, from where I am these are the stars I see.
So life has been rather ?????? I would like to say hectic as that would explain nothing getting done, but it hasn't really been hectic, I've just been lazy! However relaxing isn't quite the right word either. Hence the lost in space feeling I guess...I feel isolated and disconnected from my fairy strengths, and the world at large really.
There are a number of things happening at the moment that are beyond my control. Not that I am a control freak but I like to at least have some say as to what happens in my life! It makes me uncomfortable to have confrontations and I generally try to avoid them at all costs. But then don't we all?