So in case you haven't noticed I am very excited about NaNoWriMo. (I do wish however that the name was some what easier to remember!) In some ways it is all I can think about. Then in other ways there are a thousand different thoughts all rushing around at once.
But enough of that, after all we are in the much neglected fairy garden and it is in dire need of attention (which of course is why I came here in the first place). The excitement caused by the prospect of writing a novel in 30 days has created a surge of productive efforts in a variety of forms.
- I have updated some posts on my Rambles. This is a particularly fine effort as they are older posts that have slowly been gathering dust. It is great to have got them published, though there are a few more to go
- I have had a few great ideas on how to encourage words to flow, when I invariably get stuck in my search for 50,000. These ideas will also serve as some great Ramble posts and possibly even articles somewhere else. Here is the first installment
- I wrote my first decent Helium article in over a month. Click here to have a read
I am sure there is a connection between this and the fact that the universe has been shining it's little rays of goodness and strength in my direction. This morning I won concert tickets and a CD on the radio. The tickets I passed on to a real fan but the CD I will keep as hubby is a bit of a fan.
Last weekend we escaped down to the Katherine Region about 3 hours away from where we live. It is like an oasis. The fairies have a strong presence there and I always feel rejuvenated after a visit. We spent hours just sitting in the river, so tranquil and quiet.
The photo that I share with you today is taken from the trip.
May fairy wishes and butterfly fill your hearts as you travel through you day