Thursday, November 6, 2008

Making a difference

As a rule I am not a very big people person. It is not that I have been scared by the meanness of people as such (well I guess on some levels I have but none of it has ever been intentional or to the extent that others in this world have been faced with), I just find the majority of people to be very draining and as such I like to limit my human interaction.

Now being a hermit is not new or unheard of and I am not sure I could really call myself a hermit as I do leave my house every day (at least during the school term anyway), however I do like to think that I do not need to interact with people on a regular basis. Recently though I have discovered that I do in fact need people. Or at least the support of people.

Actually I think we all need people at some time or another.

I feel very blessed to say that when I least expected it and needed it the most I received some much needed words of encouragement from a an unexpected source. I won't go into the details now as they know who they are and what they did and that is all that really matters.

So to you know who I send you the biggest butterfly kisses ever and thank you for being my friend

A novel in the making

Well it is six days into NaNoWriMo My word count of 4723 is slightly behind the 10002 I should be at by the end of today but I am still confident of reaching my final goal.

As it turns out this is going to be more of a journey than I ever expected. The story that is unfolding is slightly more personal that I had first envisage and is the main reason I have not written for a few days. The feedback I have received from friends is that it is very autobiographical and while none of them have actually said this is a bad thing I took it as meaning that it was.

I now realise that there is nothing wrong with my novel having some personal elements in it. It is only autobiographical to those who know me. To anyone else it is just a moving story about a young woman dealing with the immanent death of her father.

If you are interested in having a read here is the link to the first part. From there just click on the next entry link to keep reading. If by chance you are a return reader then this is the latest entry