I had hoped to have finished this picture before I posted it but unfortunately patience is not always a virtue that I possess.
For the most part I have all the patience in the world but only if there are children involved. Children should always be given as much time as possible and the relationship between time and patience is almost inseparable.
For the remaining facets of my life patience is generally in very short supply. I guess I am a kind of 'want it now kind a gal' Hence why this picture is being posted today and not next week when I actually finish it.
Perhaps I will name her the my patience fairy?
However when I sat down to create her it was to thank a stranger for her kindness and let all know that what goes around comes around.
I guess that maybe there is more than one moral to my post then :) A side from being kind to all you meet, you just never know what is round the corner today, or even tomorrow.
Stay safe, be kind and may your days be full of fairy wishes, butterfly kisses and lots of love