Friday, December 27, 2013

Power and Discovery

I sat down last night to write this post. Carefully trying to not berate myself for not having been here for a few days. My original intentions were to post every day. But then that is always my original intention when it comes to blogging.

Anyway, despite the house being quieter than a mouse I just couldn't find it in me to get any further than opening the appropriate tab and getting everything ready for me to write. I couldn't even decide which deck of cards I wanted to use.

Instead I opted for mindless minutes wasted over at Candy Crush while trying to come up with just the right words for a friends upcoming fiftieth. Which I didn't managed to do until about two minutes ago.

One could be mistaken for expecting something truly wonderful given the delay. Sadly though my heartfelt message was probably on the side of ordinary. I put far too much pressure on myself sometimes and simply end up caving under the weight of it all. This was most definitely one of those times. I will comfort myself with the at least it is something notion.

But as always I digress, back to the cards.

Today's cards are Power and Discovery. I did take photos of them and have spent a good twenty minutes trying to work out why they haven't been included to the computer's photo stream so I can pop them in here. Total first world problem I know, but now you have to imagine the card image.

Card image is of the Angel stroking a lion with a golden eagle sceptre in hand
(Archangel Micheal)

I am energised by the power of universal love

From the book
True power is grounded in spiritual awareness.
It is to do with trusting your inner wisdom, standing your ground and speaking your truth
The Angel of Power counsels you to use your power with love.
Do not impose your power on others, yet do not give it away either.
Ask the Angel to help you to say "no" to anything that is wrong for you

Photo found here, on a post dated with my birthday!

Card image is of an Angel at the bottom of some stairs, map in hand, looking to the distance
(Archangel Raphael)

My life is a wonderful journey of discovery

From the book
Regardless of age or level of knowledge, making discoveries about yourself
and the world can awaken your sense of awe and wonder at the universe.
The Angel of Discovery encourages you to keep your mind open 
to fresh information and experience at all times.
Call on her to enhance your senses so that your sight becomes clearer, 
and your hearing sharper.
Ask her to show you how to act in a more loving an conscious way, 
to benefit yourself and the environment.
In this way, you will enrich your soul and climb to new heights of inspiration.

Interestingly enough the Discovery card came out the other day as well. I am guessing I need to pay it a little more attention.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Archangels Michael, Raphael and Uriel

So yesterday, when I had the brilliant realisation to bring this little space back to life it was after I had spent some time with my angel cards. Which just between you and me I haven't been doing nearly enough of lately. It felt nice shuffling the cards waiting for one to jump on out.

Rather than pull actual cards from the deck I tend to just shuffle until a card falls from the deck. Possibly not how a real angel card reader would do it but it works for me and at the end of the day that is all that really matters. Usually I only shuffle through the deck a few times before a card jumps out at me. As it always feels like the message I am meant to receive I will just keep on going about it this way for now.

So what cards jumped out at me yesterday?

Archangel Raphael, New Beginnings & Discovery
I open myself to the possibilities of new beginnings
My life is a wonderful journey of discovery

Archangel Michael, Freedom & Strength
I am strengthened by the power of unlimited love
I choose to be free, to be my true Self

Archangel Uriel, Harmony
When my mind, body and soul are in harmony, I am at one with the universe

As you can see from the new beginning card, it is no wonder that I felt the urge to restart up the fairy garden. Not technically a new beginning in some ways because it is a resurrection of sorts but still I am beginning. Though after having a little read about the Angel of New Beginnings there is probably a little more that she meant for me.

It says in the book to take a fresh look are some part of your life and making space for the new. Which means letting go of yesterday with gratitude. That part is easy enough for me. The part about clearing spaces of clutter and tidying your work and home space, not so easy but most certainly in need of doing.

According to the book, the Angel of Discovery encourages you to keep your mind open to fresh information and experiences at all times. Definitely something that I need to work on. At times I think I may close my mind to many opportunities.

Monday saw me putting Lovely on a plane to go and spend time with her other family during the Christmas period. She will return to me in the final two weeks of the holidays a bundle of worn out emotions as she tries to grasp what it is like having two different families. Strength is something I need abundance of during this time. As much as she may torment her younger sisters at times they feel lost without her. All the strength I have gets sent to them to help them get through.

The Angel of Freedom can be asked for the courage to follow your heart, to break free from restrictions and soar high and act out of love. Again just what I need to help me over the next few weeks.

And finally the Angel of Harmony. Who really just ties all of this together. Because when harmony is present life will just seem to take care of itself. Well so I tend to think.

Normally I feel I have enough after three cards however yesterday it felt so wonderful holding the cards, freeing my mind while I shuffled that I just didn't want to put them down.

Actually even as I am typing this out I felt the urge to have a quick shuffle. Archangel Uriel sent me the Angel of Humility. Archangel Uriel is meant to help us awaken our ability to realise that we have the power to shape our own reality. Something I need reminding of far too often I think.

I gladly play my small but valuable role in the universal pattern of life

The Angel of Humility is there to help us remember that we are all important and have important roles in life to play but we mustn't let our ego get in the way and we must remember that others are just as important, sometimes more so than ourselves.

For now though there is a mountain of washing that must be seen to, if only angels and fairies could take care of that!
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why hello there

It kinda feels a little funny here. You know on account of it being like forever since I wrote here. For reasons that I am unable to recall I decided to take this little space offline for a bit. Or perhaps a lot given it was well over a year ago, either way I am here now. And while it does feel a little funny it also feels a whole lot of nice and like it is meant to be.

So I guess we will just wait and see...

Archangel Raphel and his buddies
These are the cards that jumped out at at me the other day.
I was talking to the angels regarding a friend
undergoing some major surgery.
She had given me the deck of cards for Christmas
the year before. I knew they would have some comfort for her
and I was right.

Anyways the main reason I have decided to return here is to share some of the messages that I get from my angel and fairy cards. I have taken to using them a little more regularly which is all kinds of lovely. However we all know how completely absent minded I can be so as to not forget these important messages being sent for me to receive I thought I could keep track of them here.

Over at APL I have lovely reader and fellow blogger Jasmine, who has somewhat encouraged, perhaps without even realising my desire in sharing more of how the fairies are a part of my life. Though after being asked Why I believe in fairies? I became even more certain of the need for me to open myself up even more.

We are going away on the adventure of a life time in the middle of next year and it would be more than great to get a little help with a few of the details. In the past, whenever I need help with little things in life I ask for help. It might not always come as I expect, hope or want, but nine times out of ten, possibly even more, I get the help that I need. Which at the end of the day is all anyone can hope or ask for.

So this is me.

Putting myself out to the universe, fairies, angels and who ever else can lend a hand.

I don't expect a free ride, I know there will be work to do, and by George work I'll do.

I just need a little help and guidance in finding the way.

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