Sunday, March 30, 2014

A new deck and some lovely messages

If you are a regular follower of my antics over at A Parenting Life you will have heard me rabbiting on about my birthday last week. One of the things I have so far failed to mention about it though was that I treated myself to a new deck of Tarot Cards.

Still sticking with Doreen Virtue (because she is all kinds of amazing and awesome) these are her Angel Tarot Cards, as seen below.

Image taken from here
because I was too lazy to get up and take my own
on account of it being well past stupid o'clock as
I write this. 
I did my first reading from it last week, as the clocked ticked over to begin the celebrations of my thirty sixth birthday. Sadly however I was also busy at the time writing this reflection on the difference a year can make and never got to share what the Angels had to say to me.

What is even sadder is that it has taken a week for me to actually make the time to get it out. On the upside though at least it is better late than never.

While I did take a photo of the cards at the time, it somehow seems to have disappeared and my poor little legs refuse to get up unless I am making my way to bed. Which I do not want to do until this post is done and dusted.

Lucky for me though I left the four cards I pulled at the top of the deck so while I can not show you them I can tell you about each one.

The first was the King of Air, Brilliant, Impartial, Professional, Diplomatic. Speak your mind with confidence. Seek out professional advice. Balance mental and emotional considerations.

At the time I didn't really know what to make of it, and maybe I still don't really, though I can't help but wonder if it is related to my Lovely. She is testing and trying waters in ways that go beyond rocking the boat. In nearly thirteen years of being a mother I have never been so unsure of what to do with a child.

Last week I asked one of her teachers if she could come on board and lend a hand for a little bit. They have a good rapport and since Lovely goes into shut down mode the moment my mouth even looks like opening I need to find someone with who she will communicate.

The next card was the Queen of Air, Independent, Experienced, Realistic, Witty.  Objective decision making. Clearing away all that no longer serves you. Seeing the humour in a situation.

Again I was not too sure of what to make of her. I found it comforting to get both a King and Queen, though perhaps it was more a case of the new cards sticking together and not being shuffled properly?

The guidebook that came with the cards seems to give less guidance than my other decks and books but perhaps that is a good thing and it will prove to be an opportunity for me to get more in touch with the Angels themselves rather than relying so much on the book. Having said that though this line resonates quite loudly with me it is time to remove anything or anyone from your life whose presence no longer serves your greatest good.

There are a few people who I feel rather abandoned by of late and I was already coming to terms with the fact that our paths had gone separate ways so perhaps this is just confirmation of that.

The third card that come out was the Archangel Jeremiel. Renewal.  Review, and evaluate. A favourable assessment of the facts. Time to move in a new direction.

This card probably spoke louder to me than the others. It was confirmation that the whole study and work thing was a good idea and I was headed in the right direction, renewing a zest for learning and productivity I hadn't even realised had died.

The final card was the King of Earth. Generous, Professional, Responsible, Practical. A successful time. Confidently accept opportunities you're offered. The Midas touch.

Again this card felt like it was just confirmation that all I am doing is right and to maintain my faith that good things will continue to fall into place as I need. Which was kind of lovely I must say.

It makes me a little sad to think that it has been a whole week between getting the cards out, though before then I can't even remember when I last did so I guess a week is not too bad. Finding a quite moment or two to gather my thoughts and be with the cards is far from easy some days. This whole part time working and studying is so much more intense than I remembered.

I just shuffled the cards now, enjoying the solitude that can only be found at nearly three o'clock in the morning. As I did so three cards jumped out and fell to the floor. Which if you are new here is my way of knowing what cards are meant for me.

The cards were The Sun - Archangel Uriel, King of Fire, The Chariot - Archangel Metatron.

All with clear messages that my study is the right thing to do, even if I feel a little overwhelmed by the fact I have let a few weeks slide. There is still time to catch back up and stay on top of it all. I just need to try.

And on that note I am off to bed for hopefully some sweeter than sweet dreams.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The procrastinator in me said now was a good time to write

The other day I pulled a few fairy cards. In fact it was probably even longer than the other day, some time last week I suppose, not that it really matters. I never got around to actually writing the post to go with the reading though. And since I am supposed to be walking out the door to go and have a coffee and crochet date with a bunch of women I don't know now seems like the perfect time to try and spit something out.

Ok so maybe now isn't the greatest time to get this out. Getting the silly photos to upload took longer than it should have on account of all the rain last night which appears to have washed straight into my phone line. The joys of living in the tropics.

I don't really have time right now to go into all the details of each card. Which is a little sucky but it feels nice to not have this post hanging over my head anymore. Regardless of how dodgy it is.

I know that at the time the cards all spoke deeply to me though. Especially the letting go card. There are a couple of really ridiculous fears that I am holding on to at the moment. So ridiculous I can't even bring myself to say it (or even write it for that matter) out loud. What makes it even more ridiculous is that I could go and take some steps to alleviate my fears. Of course that means kind of facing them at the same time, which is why I haven't but I will. Promise.
 photo fwbksignature_zps702ebc7d.jpg

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thankful for Archangel Raphael

In the short time since I revived posting here a few of the Archangels have stood out more than the others. One of which I feel I owe a rather large amount of thanks to.

image found here
there is also some great
info on Raphael there
Last week Zany was unfortunately involved in an incident with our dog. The incident resulted in two small puncture wounds in Zany's left hand. We decided to try our luck with our regular local clinic. They have a walk in section and it seemed much more appealing that the emergency room at the hospital. After all as traumatic as it was it was not really an emergency as such.

Once the antiseptic had been poured on and the prescription for antibiotics written we were happily on our way. And when I say happily I mean we had the bejeezers scared out of us by the doctor and his constant reminder of the risk of infection.

As much as I know the benefits of modern medicine at times I couldn't help but want to be on the safe side and ask the Angels for a bit of extra healing help.

Thanks to me having pulled a few Archangel Raphael cards of late I knew that if I asked him specifically to help with Zany's hand healing my chances of being heard were even greater.

A week after the incident and you can barely tell there was ever anything there. I am stunned at how well and the speed at which this has healed. I have no doubt that  Raphael played a helping hand in this. And for that I am super grateful.

I am also thankful for the knowledge of which Angel I needed most for healing. For as long as I may have believed and known that there are greater forces than what the eye can see at work in life it is only recently I have taken the time to get to know a little more about them.

Joining in with #thankfulthursday over at A Parenting Life
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