Thursday, November 6, 2008

Making a difference

As a rule I am not a very big people person. It is not that I have been scared by the meanness of people as such (well I guess on some levels I have but none of it has ever been intentional or to the extent that others in this world have been faced with), I just find the majority of people to be very draining and as such I like to limit my human interaction.

Now being a hermit is not new or unheard of and I am not sure I could really call myself a hermit as I do leave my house every day (at least during the school term anyway), however I do like to think that I do not need to interact with people on a regular basis. Recently though I have discovered that I do in fact need people. Or at least the support of people.

Actually I think we all need people at some time or another.

I feel very blessed to say that when I least expected it and needed it the most I received some much needed words of encouragement from a an unexpected source. I won't go into the details now as they know who they are and what they did and that is all that really matters.

So to you know who I send you the biggest butterfly kisses ever and thank you for being my friend

A novel in the making

Well it is six days into NaNoWriMo My word count of 4723 is slightly behind the 10002 I should be at by the end of today but I am still confident of reaching my final goal.

As it turns out this is going to be more of a journey than I ever expected. The story that is unfolding is slightly more personal that I had first envisage and is the main reason I have not written for a few days. The feedback I have received from friends is that it is very autobiographical and while none of them have actually said this is a bad thing I took it as meaning that it was.

I now realise that there is nothing wrong with my novel having some personal elements in it. It is only autobiographical to those who know me. To anyone else it is just a moving story about a young woman dealing with the immanent death of her father.

If you are interested in having a read here is the link to the first part. From there just click on the next entry link to keep reading. If by chance you are a return reader then this is the latest entry

Friday, October 31, 2008

Good is all around

So in case you haven't noticed I am very excited about NaNoWriMo. (I do wish however that the name was some what easier to remember!) In some ways it is all I can think about. Then in other ways there are a thousand different thoughts all rushing around at once.

But enough of that, after all we are in the much neglected fairy garden and it is in dire need of attention (which of course is why I came here in the first place). The excitement caused by the prospect of writing a novel in 30 days has created a surge of productive efforts in a variety of forms.
  • I have updated some posts on my Rambles. This is a particularly fine effort as they are older posts that have slowly been gathering dust. It is great to have got them published, though there are a few more to go

  • I have had a few great ideas on how to encourage words to flow, when I invariably get stuck in my search for 50,000. These ideas will also serve as some great Ramble posts and possibly even articles somewhere else. Here is the first installment

  • I wrote my first decent Helium article in over a month. Click here to have a read

I am sure there is a connection between this and the fact that the universe has been shining it's little rays of goodness and strength in my direction. This morning I won concert tickets and a CD on the radio. The tickets I passed on to a real fan but the CD I will keep as hubby is a bit of a fan.

Last weekend we escaped down to the Katherine Region about 3 hours away from where we live. It is like an oasis. The fairies have a strong presence there and I always feel rejuvenated after a visit. We spent hours just sitting in the river, so tranquil and quiet.

The photo that I share with you today is taken from the trip.

May fairy wishes and butterfly fill your hearts as you travel through you day

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Magic IS out just need to look

A little while ago on my Facebook status, I put out a call for magic. It is difficult for me to explain exactly how I have been feeling of late but it is certainly fair to say that I have been somewhat void of magic of late.

My beloved fairies seemed to have disappeared.

Where once I could feel them, lately I have been feeling rather alone. (obviously though I am not really alone as I have my wonderful family but something has definitely been missing) Anyway my request for magic has been answered.

Yesterday I (well actually hubby) discovered that our pineapple plant is actually growing a pineapple. How is that magic? I hear you ask, pineapple plants are meant to grow pineapples. Which is correct they are, however this particular plant has led a tough life.

To start with I am not the worlds best gardener. The whole watering thing is a bit beyond me, well actually anything involving a routine is beyond me but that is another story. Aside from becoming very drought tolerant, this plant has not always been in the one spot.

I was given the plant by a dear friend. I am sure she is some sort of fairy creature but what exactly I don't know. Anyway she had the plant in a pot, however when she was forced to move house she decided it was time for the plant and her to part ways. This, obviously, is where I come into it.

In my wisdom I thought that I should free the roots and plant it in the ground. Great idea if I could have decided where I wanted it before I dug the hole. In the end I moved this poor pineapple three times. Not giving it much chance of survival, the possibility of it fruiting was not even considered!

Now here I am over 12 months later with a beautiful little pineapple growing. Who said there wasn't magic in the world!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Toad

Now I know that I should love all of the earth's creatures, and generally speaking I do but these, pesky little critters really get under my skin. They are of course the dreaded Cane Toad This particular specimen was a visitor to my front veranda recently.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Check out this circle of gratitude I just created at Wisdomology

Monday, April 28, 2008

Lost In Space

That's how I feel at the moment, like I am just floating around in an airless vacuum that restricts my movement.

Before I go any further I must pay thanks to Ilco (who you can find at stock.xchng ) for the starry image. For while it may be a little dark, from where I am these are the stars I see.

So life has been rather ?????? I would like to say hectic as that would explain nothing getting done, but it hasn't really been hectic, I've just been lazy! However relaxing isn't quite the right word either.
Hence the lost in space feeling I guess...I feel isolated and disconnected from my fairy strengths, and the world at large really.

There are a number of things happening at the moment that are beyond my control. Not that I am a control freak but I like to at least have some say as to what happens in my life! It makes me uncomfortable to have confrontations and I generally try to avoid them at all costs. But then don't we all?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Tooth Fairy

We all loved a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Not just because it meant money but also because it was a small sign of growing up and becoming more adult. Which for some reason is appealing as a child!

Anyway from a parent's perspective keeping track of the collection of lost teeth can get confusing yet they are not something you want to get rid of. My brilliant daughter came up with a fantastic way to preserve these special memories for eternity.

Read my latest article on YouK to find out how. Click Here

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I have come across this beautiful site called Dreamlandia

It contains lots of useful information about dreams. There are explanations about coloured dreams, black and white dreams, de ja vu dreams, all sorts of dreams. There is even a dream archive where you can add examples of your own dreams.

Plus on top of all of that there are some FREE, yes that is right, free dream e-books to download. So what are you waiting for?
Go now!!!! Dreamlandia

Monday, March 31, 2008

Flower Fairies - Cicely Mary Barker

I was recently directed to this beautiful Flower Fairy site.

Cicely Mary Barker was an English illustrator most recognised as the person responsible for bringing Flower Fairies to life.

With a natural talent for art that developed at an early age Barker's work has been praised for over a century.

Pleases take the time to look through this magical world

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time to smell the flowers

Life has been rather hectic of late so I am taking time out to stop and smell the flowers.

This is a photo of a flower from my fairy garden. It is called a morning glory and as the name suggests it is at it's best in the morning.

Since I have a great deal of work to get done at the moment I have left it all behind to try my hand at some art of sorts.

In a bid to make this post somewhat work related and therefore justifying my time here is a link to an article on Taoism that I wrote some time ago. I feel that as a belief system it sits well with fairy theology as it is based on balance and harmony. Much like our little winged friends.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Another hard working Gnome

This is another of my beautiful gnomes that live in my fairy garden. My dear sister got them for my husband and I at Christmas. There were six in total however Gordon (my favourite and the only on to get named) suffered a tragic accident rendering him unfit for further garden duties.

My youngest decided Gordon was in need of new positioning and in the process she dropped him and snapped his head off. There is hope that with minor surgery he may still have a useful purpose but as yet we have been unable to locate an adequately qualified surgeon. Or rather my husband and I just haven't been able to find the time to glue him back together.

None the less this poor bugger who takes care of my fish pond is nameless. So if you have a suggestion please send it my way!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Silver Linings

To call me an optimist is an understatement.

I saw Pollyanna as a child and I decided to make it a personal challenge to always find the bright side of life no matter what.

For those who haven't seen (or read) about Pollyanna she was a fictional character created by Eleanor H Porter in 1913. An Oscar winning film was produced in 1960.
For a full plot summary click here but in a nut shell no matter what happens to her she can always find something to be glad about. Eventually she convinces a worn out and depressed town to adapt her attitude transforming it into a wonderful place to be.

Pollyanna's secret is called "The Glad Game" and at present I am in a super big round!
Yesterday while playing silly buggers with my daughter and her friend I hurt my toe. Exactly how much damage I have done I am not sure, but since there is little that can be done for toes, it doesn't really matter.
Broken or dislocated, swollen or anything else, I just have to let nature take it's course.

As you can imagine there is a fair amount of pain and discomfort involved, especially as I try to look after the girls. Doesn't matter how hard I try I somehow managed to keep bumping it.

So where is the silver lining I hear you ask? How could I possibly find anything in this situation to be glad about you sit there wondering.

Easy I say! Here are the reasons I am glad about for seriously injuring my toe!

  1. Catch up time. Being forced to sit and rest means lots of computer time to write and express. This is extra great because I have been rather remiss with my writing lately.
  2. Peace and Quiet. My dear mother kindly came and collected the girls for the morning as my poor hardworking husband is at the office this morning. I honestly can not remember the last time I have been able to sit down with out having anyone disturb me.
  3. This is the clincher. Most of all I am glad that I am lucky enough to have my wonderful mother to help me when I need her the most.
So I want to send a big fairy cuddle over to my wonderful mum. She really is the best.

I am also glad that it is raining as it means I can't feel guilty for not hanging out the washing. Despite my injury I still feel somewhat obliged to attempt some housework. I must point out this is only a very teeny tiny feeling!

In honour of my mother who is exceeds being just good. Even the best is not enough to describe her, here is an article I wrote on What makes a good mother

I must thank d r o u u for the fantastic photo I got it from the stock.xchng

Saturday, February 23, 2008

If you get knocked down...

The past week or so I have been in a terrible mood. I have no idea why this is or what is causing my unrest but I know that I am consumed with some sort of rage.

My youngest daughter has been through a terrible spate of injuries. Some avoidable, some just a part of growing up. All of them are horrible. To her credit she is such a trooper. I am continually amazed by her resilience and strength.

If you have children it is not really possible to be too protective, they can be damaged so easily. At the same time they are much stronger than they are given credit for. They get knocked down but they get back up again. Something we could all try doing a bit more I am sure.

So I am taking a note out of my baby's book, I will put my rage behind me, pick myself up and get on with life. Happiness here I come!

I found these mushrooms on stock.xchng while looking for photos for my YouK site. There are definitely fairies living under there! Thanks to G & A Scholiers for providing it. I thought that they were particularly fitting for this post as they are incredibly resilient. They are forever getting pulled out, yet they always grow back!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Fire Hailwand

I found this great site which generates a Fairy name for you.
Here is what it said about me

My fairy is called Fire Hailwand
She is a protector of the lonely.
She lives where fireflies mate and breed.
She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover.
Her dresses glow with fiery colours. She has cheery turquoise wings like a butterfly.

My beautiful daughters have

Bramble Icewand
She is a bone chilling bringer of justice for the vulnerable.
She lives in leafy dells and bluebell glades.
She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover.
She wears bluebell-blue dresses. She has icy blue butterfly wings.


Pagan Goblinwand
She is a bringer of riches and wealth.
She lives close to ancient monuments and stone circles.
She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover.
She wears raven-black feathers. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pink Fairy Flower

Like magic this flower just appeared out of no where! Due to this I have named it my fairy flower

I have dubbed this the hardest working gnome in the garden.
My thumbs are far from green so I can not take the credit for this effort.

It only lasted for a few days I am hoping that it will return (and bring a few more with it!)

Cheeky Bird

My father bought a beautiful clock as a gift from my eldest daughter.

It has a different bird call for each hour and is an absolute treasure. It appears as if I am not the only one who is fascinated by it!

This cheeky little devil likes to come in and check out what all the noise is about.

Two gnomes and a bird

Fairies bring life laughter and joy. They create magic where ever they go.

I am thankful to be blessed with the pleasure of fairies living in my garden. Unfortunately I am yet to catch them on film, but I know they are there.

They visit regularly to catch up with their friends.

These lovely fellows live in my front garden.
I have had them for a while but as yet they have no name!

As the site evolves not only will I know their names
but also have fabulous stories to share about each of them.

The bird is a regular visitor as well. He is a little cheeky and very fearless.
On numerous occasions he has come right inside to say hello.