Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Always lots to smile about

If only you take the time to look!

I have been a little glum of late. On some levels there are many reasons for that and on others they are just pathetic excuses for laziness. Either way I will try not to bore you with the details here.

I was just finding a photo to accompany today's post over at Rambles (which is sadly no longer live) when I stumbled across this lovely one to the right. It never ceases to amaze me how any smile just makes me smile. Even one as simple as this. Always has and I hope that it always will. Because lets face it, smiling is good and there should be more of it.

Anyway for all my worries my dear fairies are still trying to look after me. Take this afternoon for example. I was running late to pick my eldest from school however I needed to stop at the shop on the way. At first glance all the car parks near the entrance were taken. As I went to drive off to get a park away in the distance a front beauty appeared right before me. If that doesn't make you smile what will?

Thanks to dorotac for the photo. Click the link to see more great shots (and don't forget to smile)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Can You Believe it?

So money is a bit short at the moment. You know how it goes, some weeks seem to have more expenses than others. We happen to be at the end of an incredibly expensive week. There is no particular reason other than the fact bills all need to be paid in the same week!

Anyways I had put aside enough money to get all that I need at the shop today. Only for some reason my darling husband had decided to take it to work with him. While his work is not that far away I just couldn't be bothered to go and get it. Who really needs dinner every night anyway?

When I visited my father, after dropping daughter number one at school he asked me to get some supplies from the shop. Being the kind hearted soul that he is he also gave me a little extra incase I needed it. Would you believe it was the exact same amount my husband had taken to work with him?

"Great" I thought "now I can get dinner without driving to hubby's work!" Once again I felt my fairy friends help me out.

So as I walked around the shops I was incredibly mindful of what I put in my basket. After all my funds were incredibly limited. After scanning all the items through the self service counter (daughter number 2 just loves looking for the barcodes and I think she will be a fully fledged checkout chick before she reaches the tender age of 5) I was pleased to see that my total came to exactly 55 cents under the total in my purse. Anyone would have thought I had a caluclator with me. Which I don't, again it was my fairy friends helping me out.

Unfortunately after this their help becomes slightly questionable.

You see when I reached into my purse to insert the money into the payment area, it wasn't there. My face began to turn a rather pretty shade of red as I fruitlessly shuffled through every peice of paper in my purse searching for the elusive note.

Reluctantly I informed the assistant that I need to cancel my transaction as I had lost my money. She was very kind about it all but I still felt very uncomfortable about the whole situation. Not to mention the fact I had just lost money that I couldn't really afford.

I asked at the other shops if anyone had handed in any money and not surprisingly they all said no. Another shopper asked me what I had lost, by this time I was on the verge of tears (well nearly on the verge) She looked very sympathetic when I told her. However when I sincerly said that someone else must need it more than I she looked a little surprised, but that was the only explanation I could find for me losing the money.

The joy of believing in fairies is that there is always a positive way to look at things. So while the fairies my have let me down, I knew it was only because there was someone with a greater need. Which I am fine with.

So as I wandered back to my car I tried to recall if there was anything I could scavage from the deep dark depths of my freezer. I knew this was a not overly likely but hey, theoretically, anything is possible.

Sitting in my car I was resigning myself to the drive to hubby's work when I had to have just one more look in my purse. Losing money is so out of charcter for me I almost refused to belive it could really have happened.

Amazingly, sitting there right in the front of my purse was the missing note. Blind Freddy could have seen it sitting there. How I possibly managed to miss it I do not know, but I did. So perhaps the fairies were looking after me after all.

You see, I didn't go back into the shop to gather the grocceries I had just put back. Instead I went to a different shop and got something entirely different and as it turned out it was a huge hit with everyone!

Fairies sure do work in mysterious ways!

Thanks and credit for photo goes to Lusi from my fav photo site stock.xchng, click here to see Lusi's profile

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Birthdays are a special time.
It is the celebration of you in all your wonder and glory.
Regardless of what ever the past may been
This is a new year just for you
Happiness and joy surrounds, from well wishes everywhere
Dreams are made, and futures set, there is magic in the air
Always sealed with a loving kiss and special little wish
You are great in every way and I hope you have a lovely day

March has always been a busy birthday month for me. Even as my circle of friends has waxed and waned it seems to be a popular birth month for different people in my life. So here is a bit of a birthday ditty I put together. Many happy returns to all those little March babies out there but particularly to those of today and tomorrow.

~ fairy wishes and butterfly kisses ~

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fairy Wishes & Butterfly Kisses

I have decided to make the above my personal catch cry. Keeping up with modern day desire for abbreviation it can be displayed as ~ fw&bk ~
As you can see I am working on a possible logo sort of thing but obviously it is still very much in progress.

I guess if I had some sort of prize I could hold a competition... of course then I would need to find people interested in entering so it is all starting to sound a bit like hard work! Not that I am adverse to it, hard work that is but I have plenty of other hair brain ideas that I need to follow up before I start on any more.

Anyways chances are you are reading this post because I left you a link somewhere in this crazy cyberspace world that we seem to exist in. Well I just want you to know that I hope life is treating you well. May the sun shine down rays of happiness onto all that surrounds you.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Patience is a virtue...

...possess it if you can.

I had hoped to have finished this picture before I posted it but unfortunately patience is not always a virtue that I possess.

For the most part I have all the patience in the world but only if there are children involved. Children should always be given as much time as possible and the relationship between time and patience is almost inseparable.

For the remaining facets of my life patience is generally in very short supply. I guess I am a kind of 'want it now kind a gal' Hence why this picture is being posted today and not next week when I actually finish it.

Perhaps I will name her the my patience fairy?

However when I sat down to create her it was to thank a stranger for her kindness and let all know that what goes around comes around.

I guess that maybe there is more than one moral to my post then :) A side from being kind to all you meet, you just never know what is round the corner today, or even tomorrow.

Stay safe, be kind and may your days be full of fairy wishes, butterfly kisses and lots of love

Saturday, January 31, 2009

We are blessed by those whom we know

There are many ways in which a person can be blessed. Today I realised that I am blessed by those who I know. Not a startling revelation I know but today it really hit home just how lucky I am to have some of the friends that I do.

As you may be aware I waste way to much of my precious time playing an online game called PackRat. There are many aspects of which I am attracted to, I guess the mindlessness of it is one but the other is the people I have met. Actually one person in particular.

There are many great people both in the real world and in the world of PR, but there is one particularly special lady who has brought joy to me on many occasions, but today was the sweetest icing on the cake ever. So to her I say a big thank you and to the angels that drew I paths together I thank you even more.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's all about perspective

As always the start of a new year inspires me to start writing. I am hopeful that this year it will be something that I continue you with rather than lapse into sporadic sessions on a haphazard basis.

Since my dear parents were kind enough to give me a funky little laptop for Christmas I feel some what obliged to write more regularly than in the past. There is certainly no denying that on some levels my parents are incredibly supportive. Like everyone though even they have their limitations.

My youngest sister, who is the baby of the family has recently moved interstate. We are what some would consider as a very close knit family so the move took quite a toll on my parents, particularly my mother.

At times you would think that my sister has fallen off the face of the earth never to be seen again. In reality of course she is a mere four hour plane trip away. Her boyfriend, who she moved to be with is a pilot so she naturally gets super cheap travel and has assured us she will return regularly. With the wonders of modern technology we are able to web cam and talk to her as if she was just down the road.

Her boyfriends mother, who I have never met sounds like a lovely lady. She has gone out of her way to make my sister feel welcome and part of the family. While I find this quite comforting my mother is highly distressed by the fact that my sister seems to be settling comfortably into her new life.

It all gets back to the perspective that you take. Don't get me wrong I miss my sister greatly, but I find comfort in the fact that she has been taken in and is not all alone.

May the fairies take care of my sister a far
May words always flow when I sit down to write
May we all lead a life full of laughter and joy

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

From my garden to yours I wish one and all the very best for 2009

May dreams be met and task accomplished
May love fill your hearts and joy fill your homes
May laughter and fun follow you always
May the sun shine, the wind blow and the rain fall as and when you need to
May all that you hope for happen as it should

Not that I am very big on resolutions at least not on the keeping side of things anyway, but this year I would like to write something, anything that makes some sense every day. So far I am off to a flying start! Here is my first ramble for the year.